Janiah Miller | DIHGLA Cohort 3 | IBWPPI

Janiah Miller

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Janiah Miller is the Power Building Organizer for Political Campaigns at Black Feminist Future who leads the political campaigns HIVE and their steering committee that propels campaigns focusing on Black women, girls and gender expansive people utilizing a across the country and globally through movement and power building. 

Janiah believes that Black feminisms creates a more equitable society that centers people over profit.

In addition to her role, she is a board member for Queen’s Village, a community of power Black women who come together to rest, relax and re-power to take care of ourselves and each other while leading the fight to end immortality and morbidity rates of infants and pregnant people. She also serves as the first woman-President of Southwest Ohio Young Black Democrats and an elected precinct executive for Ward 10 B in Cincinnati, Ohio. 

She has received the Outstanding Community Service Award from the National Association of Colored People. Janiah is a proud first-generation college student that holds a BA in Integrative Studies from Northern Kentucky University and a Master of Public Administration: social Justice and Women’s Gender & Sexuality studies from the University of Cincinnati.


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