Know the Facts About Your Health
Most breast cancers are found in women who are age 50 or older, but breast cancer also affects younger women, according to the CDC. About 10% of all new cases of breast cancer in the U.S. are found in women younger than 45 years of age. Men also can get breast cancer, but it’s not very common.
Learn more by reading the Los Angeles Sentinel article “Early Detection is Key to Surviving Breast Cancer.”
What Are the Symptoms?
- According to the CDC, there are different symptoms of breast cancer, which include:
- Any change in the size or the shape of the breast.
- Pain in any area of the breast.
- Nipple discharge other than breast milk (including blood).
- A new lump in the breast or underarm.
Breast Cancer Risks
- If you have a family history of breast cancer, talk to your doctor about other ways to lower your risk.
- Keep a healthy weight.
- Exercise regularly.
- Don’t drink alcohol, or limit alcoholic drinks.
- If you are taking, or have been told to take hormone replacement or birth control pills, ask your doctor about the risks and find out if it is right for you.
- If possible, breastfeed your children.
Take Action: Get Civically Engaged!
IBWPPI encourages all eligible citizens to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE! We are less than 25 days away from the most important election of our lifetime.
1) Check your voter registration.
Confirm you are registered to vote at and make your voting plan!
2) Help get out the vote.
Join the National Urban League for a Volunteer Phone Bank Training on Thursday, October 15, 2020 at 6pm ET. Upon registration on this form, you will receive a Zoom link in your email and on the screen.
3) Learn about IBWPPI’s policy work.
“Achieving Equity in Black Women’s Health”
“Slavery by Another Name: The Epidemic of Black Female Trafficking Victims in the US and Abroad”
IBWPPI Member Connect
All IBWPPI members are invited to our upcoming Member Connect event on Friday, October 16th 11:30 AM-12:00 PM ET. Join us to learn more about our organization and new updates. Attendees will also have the opportunity to hear from IBWPPI Board Member MarieYolaine Toms, who will be our special guest for the session. We look forward to meeting you.
Join the Zoom Meeting
This is DONE
IBWPPI Young Ambassador Spotlight
IBWPPI would like to recognize Young Ambassador Maleena Lawrence for her courage, hard work, and determination in launching her PRESSURE TOUR, a grassroots voter engagement road tour.
At this moment, she and her small media crew are traveling from Los Angeles to 26 major cities by car in only 36 days; capturing candid community-driven conversations with local residents, political leaders, grassroots organizations, and government officials who are on the front lines of creating national voter awareness for the quickly approaching 2020 election.
To support her cause, you can make a small donation at All contributions will help Maleena offset the costs of production, equipment, accommodations, gasoline, parking, automotive needs and meals – as well as any other bumps in the road. We thank her for amplifying the voices of the underserved communities.
Complimentary IBWPPI Membership During the COVID-19 Pandemic

As we continue to adjust to the new normal, we want IBWPPI to be a home for Black women who want to connect, heal and support one another. C onsider gifting yourself with a free membership and joining a network of global Black women. Become a member today by filling out the membership form here .
Why Join IBWPPI?
IBWPPI started 10 years ago in the spirit of global unity and sisterhood. Our mission is to connect and advocate for Black women globally through acts of kindness and public policy. We thank our members and ask that you continue your support of IBWPPI and ask others to join us.