Board Member Spotlight
It is with tremendous excitement and enthusiasm that we announce the appointment of Bernita McCann to the Executive Committeee of the Board of Directors for the International Black Women’s Public Policy Institute. Director McCann joined the Board of Directors two years ago and has been a valuable contributor to our work and the forward movement of the organization. We welcome her leadership and intellectual contributions to the leadership team of IBWPPI in her elevated post on the board.
Bernita McCann is the President & CEO of Next Generation Fuel, which is a wholesale distributor of petroleum-refined products and alternative fuels throughout United States and South Africa. Learn more about her background here.
Would you like to join IBWPPI? Simply sign up here and we will gift you a complimentary membership through the end of the month.
Announcements for Members of the Young Ambassadors Program
We’re proud to share that Young Ambassadors Channell Mellish and Jazzmine Dowtin have graduated from the Masters Series for Distinguished Leaders program. The program is operated by the Skinner Leadership Institute and is geared towards people of color in middle management, ages 25-45, from the corporate and civic arena.
Do you have any good news? Share your brief story and photo with us here .

Looking to enhance your leadership skills? The Masters Series for Distinguished Leaders (MSDL) success is first rooted in a bipartisan, intergenerational faculty of expert leadership developers, with access to top leaders across the globe, and a proven track record of equipping young leaders for exceptional performance. Learn more about MSDL here.
Complimentary IBWPPI Membership During the COVID-19 Pandemic
As we continue to adjust to the new normal, we want IBWPPI to be a home for Black women who want to connect, heal and support one another. Consider gifting yourself with a free membership and joining a network of global Black women. Become a member today by filling out the membership form here.
Why Join IBWPPI?
IBWPPI started 10 years ago in the spirit of global unity and sisterhood. Our mission is to connect and advocate for Black women globally through acts of kindness and public policy. We thank our members and ask that you continue your support of IBWPPI and ask others to join us.